Inter-City Ghost Hunters were founded in Oct of 2010 by Kenny Schecter, Leon Jeffery, and brothers, Raheem & Akeem West. All of whom shared an interest in the paranormal and what lies beyond. These four individuals, along with the help of modern technology, decided to mount up our equipment and see if we can find answers to life after death. Does some sort of energy get left behind after death, can we communicate from the other side? But, with not much experience under our belts, along with being new to the paranormal field, we were each ready to start our journey.
Our first "investigation" was in late 2010 at a local cemetery in the city of Detroit, and though nothing was heard nor seen that evening, upon review of the evidence, we found what sounds like a female voice telling us......"No.....Just Leave".
That EVP would become our first paranormal activity that was caught on tape. Since then, ICGH has been continuing to build itself, always learning from every investigation.
Today, ICGH is headed up by father and son, Kenny Schecter and Jayden Skutnick, who continue the search for answers to what lies beyond.
If you, or someone you know has any paranormal activity that you would like ICGH to help with, please shoot us an email.